- Please make sure to register on time. Participants will be required to register and sign a release on the day of the event. A medical form (click to download) will be required and turned in at the time of registration.
- On the day of the event, armbands and/or tech inspection decals (with class designation on it) will be checked by race control. No one will be permitted on the track without an armband or tech/group decal.
- All entrants must attend the riders’ meetings, with no exceptions.
- Participants must not tamper with any of the markings, or tags. For example: wristbands, registration stickers, and tech inspection decals.
- All motorcycles must be in top mechanical condition and pass a technical inspection prior to being allowed on the track. All crashed motorcycles must be re-inspected before re-entering another session.
- All riders must wear appropriate leather riding gear suitable for the racetrack. This includes one-piece or two-piece suits which must zipper fasten together (no duct tape allowed). Back protectors are strongly recommended. Footwear and hand protection must be specifically designed for motorcycle use (high boots and gauntlet-styled gloves). Helmets must be full faced, be DOT or Snell approved, of recent design, be in good condition, and fit the wearer. Proper visors must be worn and down while on the track.
- Riders will not consume mind-altering substances or anything that could impair their ability to operate the motorcycle safely prior to riding. Anyone caught breaking this rule will not be permitted to ride for the remainder of the weekend.
- NO STUNTING OF ANY KIND will be permitted.
- The use of iPods, MP3 players, or any other device that plays music, news, or TV is prohibited while on the track, including Bluetooth communication devices.
- Anyone allowing an unregistered person to ride their motorcycle on the track will also lose their privileges for the remainder of the day.
- Any participant who rides in a group they are not registered for will not be allowed to ride their next session. This means you do NOT switch groups without permission.
- Ensure that your bike meets the decibel requirements. If you are signaled out due to a violation of the decibel rule, Southern Trackdays will not be held responsible. You will have to re-mediate your exhaust to meet track standards. If you cannot, NO REFUND WILL BE PROVIDED.
- The Southern Track Days Staff reserves the right to refuse admission to any individual. You cannot sell/transfer your spot if the event is not full. If the event is full, you must have prior approval from the Southern Track Days Staff.
- This is a rain-or-shine event, no refunds will be provided due to poor weather conditions or acts of God.
- All decisions made by STD and track management are final. All participants will agree to abide by these decisions during the event.
- All Novice riders MUST attend ALL classroom sessions.
- Please be advised that No refunds nor trackday credits will be provided in the event of a crash, mechanical issue, or weather-related issue. Prior to getting to the track, all monies are paid to the track. They are not going to give us money back to give to you if one of the aforementioned situations happens. We cannot give you a credit, because that would mean we would have to cover your registration fee at that point. Thank you for understanding. Paypal fees are NON-refundable if we have to refund your payment.
Bike Prep
- Throttle has to return on its own (listen for the SNAP).
- Tires must have 50% or better tread.
- No fluid leaks.
- Glass/Plastic taped over.
- Brake light taped over or unplugged so you can’t see the brake light come on.
- Mirrors removed or taped over.
- Wheel weights taped over.
- Functional Kill Switch.
- Any video or still-photo recording device for your track bike must be secured in a manner other than that offered by the manufacturer of the product. Safety wire is highly recommended for this purpose. If you intend to use a recording device at any time during the event, it must be installed for tech inspection. If we deem yours isn’t secured to our standards we will ask you to try again or remove the device altogether.